
While RHL Strategies provides facilitation for conversations and guidance for your Strategic Planning process, RHL Strategies is also a consultant, offering assistance and advice in different areas related to running an organization.

The world is changing rapidly. In management, a significant shift is in managers and others in “authority” becoming increasing aware of – and comfortable with – not always knowing all the answers. They are discovering the benefits of reaching out and asking others for information, or for advice.

What needs to change in your work? RHL Strategies is here to assist!

RHL Strategies can bring technical skills in organizational structure (including small business, non-profits, and working with municipalities). Interpersonal skills (including listening, asking questions, and more) and consulting to your organization to guide it forward We do NOT take the place of decision-makers, but help create, or catalyze change:

  • Structural change (e.g. policies, procedures, programs, projects)

  • Change to something new (e.g. new approaches, new ways of thinking)

In the words of Peter Block:

“The consultant’s objective is to engage in successful actions that result in people or organizations managing themselves differently.”

Motivation comes from within - and I am here to help you activate it.


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There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.