From Problem to Possibility

Strategy Corner

From Problem to Possibility

Most of us are faced with situations in our organizations that need attention: “There is not enough diversity here.” “There is no collaboration – but a lot of confrontation.” “We need better communication.”

The usual approach is to blame someone or something, or to say “We need to …”

Instead, we suggest first thinking about what could be:

  • What kinds of diversity would benefit our work?

  • What would it take to become a truly collaborative team?

  • What if we were known as having excellent communication – what would that look like?

By asking about your situation in a positive way, you can probably start moving away from being stuck and living into a new way of being.

Robin LeBlanc

Robin has years of experience in teaching, marketing, business development, organizational leadership and facilitation. She has worked in municipalities, in universities, in corporations and in non-profits. Most recently, she was Executive Director of Plan NH, which focuses on the impact of the built environment on the fabrics of a community.

Robin is particularly interested in:

  • Facilitating conversations, especially exploratory ones, that might lead to positive change in a team or organization.

  • Guiding Strategic and other planning processes for small to medium organizations.

  • Assisting with workshop and/or conference planning and design so that attendees feel more connected to the topic or theme, to each other, and to the hosting organization.

Robin can be reached at

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