It’s The Personal Connections

I was in my Leader as Convener class yesterday. In small groups, we were talking about something, and afterward one of the people in my group (there were only three of us) said that because of the nature of the conversation (we went deep) she felt connected to us, that she belonged.

There are only a dozen or so in the class, from all over North America and a few from South Africa. Except for the host, most of us did not know each other going in.

One key principle of the class – which we both learn about and practice – is that of connecting with each other. Connecting at a personal level starts a path of a sense of safety and trust so that serious issues of work and the world can then be explored by the people in the room more honestly and also deeply. The more we feel comfortable with people (and safe), the more likely we are to voice our real thoughts, and not be afraid to go places that are new or might make us uncomfortable.

We feel that we belong in that group.

As members of a community – whether where we work, where we live, or other community – we must be aware of how we show up for others, and what we can do to contribute to the whole. At the same time, we need to support everyone else in the community, drawing out their gifts and being part of creating that sense of safety and belonging.

Who is in your community that you have not heard from? How can you connect with them to start to get to know them? If you yourself do not say anything at meetings, or do not volunteer your thoughts or time in your community, take a small step.

Through connections comes that feeling of belonging. A pretty nice place to be.

Robin LeBlanc

Robin has years of experience in teaching, marketing, business development, organizational leadership and facilitation. She has worked in municipalities, in universities, in corporations and in non-profits. Most recently, she was Executive Director of Plan NH, which focuses on the impact of the built environment on the fabrics of a community.

Robin is particularly interested in:

  • Facilitating conversations, especially exploratory ones, that might lead to positive change in a team or organization.

  • Guiding Strategic and other planning processes for small to medium organizations.

  • Assisting with workshop and/or conference planning and design so that attendees feel more connected to the topic or theme, to each other, and to the hosting organization.

Robin can be reached at

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