YOU set up a Planning team/steering committee. RHL Strategies will guide you in how many to have and who to invite, setting expectations, more.


Review of Vision, Mission, Strategies and previous Strategic Plan and its outcomes.


Program review, analysis of data and impact. RHL Strategies has tools that we can use to look at your current programs.


Organizational SWOT analysis, providing a snapshot of resources and more.


Based on learnings from above, decide where to focus resources for next year and beyond.


Build Goals and Objectives.


Strategic Planning

Thinking about doing a Strategic Plan for your organization?

RHL Strategies provides Strategic Planning consulting and coaching for you to create your unique Strategic Plan for the next three years or so.

A Strategic Plan is an essential tool for guiding the work of your organization. Yes, it is about setting Goals for the foreseeable future. But there is more: A good Strategic Planning process helps you to examine and define who you are, what you do and for whom, and provides a roadmap for the next two or three years for you to carry out your Mission.

RHL Strategies believes that now is the time for an in-depth Planning process, especially if you have not conducted one in more than three years. With so many changes going on in our world, it is possible that some parts of your work may need to be revisited and perhaps tweaked or amended.

A good assessment of your foundations is critical for a meaningful set of Goals and Objectives.

RHL Strategies will guide you in:

  • Revisiting your Vision, Mission and Values statements, and strategies.

  • Assessing your programs

  • Conducting SWOT analyses

With the information gathered in each of these steps, you will then be ready to determine what Goals you want to focus on for the foreseeable future, and what you need to do (Objectives) to achieve them.

Here’s how it might go (according to RHL Strategies - much of the work and timelines are driven by size of organization, number of programs, more):

RHL Strategies believes that

  • Steering Committee as well as Board be kept apprized of progress and findings.

  • Staff at all levels be included throughout the process.

  • When feasible and appropriate, key constituents and stakeholders are part of the conversations.

  • Information gathering is done best through conversations. Surveys may have a place, but cannot replace in-person viewpoints and exchanges of ideas.

RHL Strategies would like to work with you on your next Strategic Plan.

Let’s set up a time to talk about it!